Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quality control at VsTank factory

Recently I saw on site some pictures from the factory that makes our tanks. In particular some photos showed the quality control process.

The captioning to the pictures stated that each tank is subjected to 6 different tests (picture on the left shows IR targeting test, picture on the right shows slope test).

This intrigued me because I never imagined that with the volume of VsTank production the manufacturer would be testing each tank. So I contacted to ask more about their quality control process. Here is what I found out.
  • Each and every function of every tank is tested. This includes firing, turret rotation, climbing slope forward and backwards on each available speed, gun elevation, radio reception.
  • About 10 people are working full-time doing all the quality control work.
  • A separate paint quality verification is performed on each tank that weeds out any tank with paint imperfections.
  • The quality control people at the factory use special battery pack that fits into VsTanks. This greatly speeds up testing because there is no need to manually insert and remove 8 individual AA batteries.
As of today I own 14 different VsTanks Pro, and I never have received a defective tank, also many other fellow RC tankers that I talked to have highlighted that they find VsTank Pro quality to be top notch. I thought it was all just good luck, but now I know - this wasn't luck but the result of hard work of factory personnel that stand behind their product.

In this day and age more and more companies choose to cut corners, dump money into (sometimes false) advertising, hype their products, looking only how to make quick buck. It is refreshing to deal with the company that took a different approach to the business, an approach that can has become almost forgotten : If You Build It, They Will Come.

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